A step by step video, by Patrik Herlet in Sweden. the copperhead zonker is great for seatrout. Follow Patrik in the video and learn some fly tying.
Here You can follow me tying a pattern, that I called CopperHeadZonker due to the copperdubbing on the head. A pattern, that worked pretty good last summer.
– AHREX NS110 Streamer S/E #4
– TEXTREME Standard 6/0, Beige
– Leadwire
– Senyos Laser Dub, Red
– Rabbitzonker, Chinchilla
– Arizona Seal Dubbing, Golden Shiner
– CdC, Blue Dun (2 feathers on the body and 1 feather on the head)
– Living Eyes 3mm, Earth
– UV-Resin, RaidZap Medium and Thin