Take an amazing look at this little fellow here. ” Kleiner Willi. From the FLY WITH US…
Flytying: Kleiner Willi from fly with us on Vimeo.
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Take an amazing look at this little fellow here. ” Kleiner Willi. From the FLY WITH US…
Flytying: Kleiner Willi from fly with us on Vimeo.
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The first fly tying bobbin with ” Interchangeable heads “ – or “Adjust the tube up and down ” – Create your own fly tying bobbin like you want it. Go Big – Go Small – Change tube – Just Go any size.
Quick shift system for tying predator and trout flies. Shift between heads in weight. Shift between your own tube length. Slide up or down. Find your own tying style. All in one amazing system. The first ever built in 2 in 1 bobbin in fly tying. Carbide tube for leading the heat away from the thread. No thread break. Quick snap to the thread spool. Weight or tube length. Your choice
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Another great pattern from Sweden. This time a Sandeel
Many think that it is no idea fishing for Sea-Run Brown Trouts at summertime. FALSE. If the water is not to warm, which can lead to death of the fish when drilling it unnecessary long, it’s hightime to give it a try and catch fish in perfect condition. Try it at night in the shallows or daytime in the depth. When fishing daytime be my guest to try this sandeel-pattern – it will not disappoint You. Fish it as fast as You can – Tight Lines!
You find Patrik Herlet on Instagram
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Flyfishfood.com have been playing with the Raidzap UV resin. – They did the Perdi-Worm is a great cross between a Perdigon style Euro nymph and a squirmy wormy style pattern. It’s great for Euro nymphing.
Move over to Flyfishfood for bying the materials
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Sometimes a big shrimp can do the trick. Despite the size, it’s transparent and not chunky. I wanted a bigger shrimp pattern with nice movement, where I can use the biggest feathers on a speycape. I decided not to palmer the hackle – the fly would have become too big and bulky – rather a rip bunches of fibers from the stem. Tying in the fibers that way gives the opportunity to give the head the shape wanted.
You find Patrik Herlet on Instagram
AHREX NS 156 #4
TEXTREME Standard 6/0, Beige
Tungsten sheet
SealsFur, Fl. Orange
Blend of: SealsFur in Natural and Black (70:30)
Spey Rooster Cape, Grizzly Heron Gray (”ripped”, not pampered)
Easy Shrimp Eyes
PRO Sportfisher Flexi Skin, Clear with black dots
Raidzap UV Resin – Thin
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Tying one of my go-to patterns for sea trout for the warmer waters, this fly has delivered both Sea trout and Mackrell. Originally tied with only ice dubb shimmer fringe but now I added strength to it, tie a bunch you won’t be disappointed.
You will find Ted Syhlen on Instagram
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We can announce that we have another DISTRIBUTOR in the United States. This time it´s Nature’s Spirit Fly Tying. They got over 350 stores in the United States. You can read more about Nature´s Spirit Fly Tying on the webpage.
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Wanted a classic hollow style fly with a twist. Came up with the Creeks Box Head. Has alot of movement in water with some flash that bass can’t resist. Well – See this incoming fly from Brandon Creekbaum from USA.
You will find Brandon on Instagram here
5/0 Partridge bad boy hook
Forest green, florescent orange, florescent blue
Blane chocolates body tubbing
8mm sliver eyes
Raidzap Thick UV resin
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Upside shrimp from Sweden. Shrimps can be made in all different colors and sizes. Shrimps is always a good first choice when looking into the fly box for seatrout in Europe. We Got this a shrimp by Ted Syhlen from Sweden this time. You will find materials on the fly at the bottom.
You Can find Ted Syhlen on his Instagram here
Ahrex ns 122 #6 with a bend
Tungsten sheath
Monofilament tying thread
Flyco stf dubbing tan
Mallard flank
Craft fur barred
Easy shrimp eyes
Easy shrimp legs
Pro segmentation skin
Pro markers brown
RaidZap flex
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Another great super shrimp from Denmark…….
With Pink Magic Shrimp I wanted to make an eye-catching upside down fly. It is found in the original, bound by Swedish Jonatan Ternald, in beautiful brown and green colors, but I wanted to try to make a shrimp for the winter fishing. The rubber legs give it plenty of life in the water and with the weight load of tungsten it has a good walk in the water. Again used Raidzap to attach legs and shape the body with, concluding with a thin layer on the shrimp shell.
You Can find Christian Krogh on his Instagram here
Hook: Ahrex Light Stinger size 4
Shrimpshield: Flyco Shrimp Back, pink, size S
Feather for tail: Pink mallard
Legs: Wapsi Stretch Rib, Small
Thread: Mono thread 0,1 mm
Eyes: Easyshrimpeyes, black
Glue: Raidzap Medium og Thin
Tail: Pink og white Super Hair
Dubbing: Fluo pink Ice dub
Antennas: Pink flash straws
Pen: Black and pink
Load: Tungsten
Rib: Pink Flatbraid
Raid Zap is a Canadian company. All prices are in Canadian Dollars. Dismiss