Another great super shrimp from Denmark…….
With Pink Magic Shrimp I wanted to make an eye-catching upside down fly. It is found in the original, bound by Swedish Jonatan Ternald, in beautiful brown and green colors, but I wanted to try to make a shrimp for the winter fishing. The rubber legs give it plenty of life in the water and with the weight load of tungsten it has a good walk in the water. Again used Raidzap to attach legs and shape the body with, concluding with a thin layer on the shrimp shell.
You Can find Christian Krogh on his Instagram here
Hook: Ahrex Light Stinger size 4
Shrimpshield: Flyco Shrimp Back, pink, size S
Feather for tail: Pink mallard
Legs: Wapsi Stretch Rib, Small
Thread: Mono thread 0,1 mm
Eyes: Easyshrimpeyes, black
Glue: Raidzap Medium og Thin
Tail: Pink og white Super Hair
Dubbing: Fluo pink Ice dub
Antennas: Pink flash straws
Pen: Black and pink
Load: Tungsten
Rib: Pink Flatbraid