Sometimes a big shrimp can do the trick. Despite the size, it’s transparent and not chunky. I wanted a bigger shrimp pattern with nice movement, where I can use the biggest feathers on a speycape. I decided not to palmer the hackle – the fly would have become too big and bulky – rather a rip bunches of fibers from the stem. Tying in the fibers that way gives the opportunity to give the head the shape wanted.
You find Patrik Herlet on Instagram
AHREX NS 156 #4
TEXTREME Standard 6/0, Beige
Tungsten sheet
SealsFur, Fl. Orange
Blend of: SealsFur in Natural and Black (70:30)
Spey Rooster Cape, Grizzly Heron Gray (”ripped”, not pampered)
Easy Shrimp Eyes
PRO Sportfisher Flexi Skin, Clear with black dots
Raidzap UV Resin – Thin